
On this News page, you will find all the latest news about J’aime ma planète.

To learn more about us, discover the backstage of our association and live with us our daily actions.

Here, we look back at our meetings with schools, our animations and exhibitions on and our actions within the framework of the Eco-Schools and Young Reporters on the Environment projects.

For more information, please contact us at 

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Publication of the 2023 annual reports

Publication of the 2023 annual reports We are delighted to announce the online publication of our 2023 annual reports. These reports detail the [...]

JMP at the Environmental Symposium of Inter-Community School Zurich

JMP at the Environmental Symposium of Inter-Community School Zurich Students gathered at the Environmental Symposium on March 15th to tackle a pressing question: [...]

National network meeting on ESD of the extracurricular actors of éducation21

National network meeting on ESD of the extracurricular actors of éducation21 The anticipation was great - on 6 June 2023, éducation21, the national [...]

2023 National Competition – Announcement of the winners

2023 National Competition - Announcement of the winners Following the jury's deliberations, we are pleased to announce the winners of the national competition! [...]

J’aime ma Planète obtains Zewo certification!

J'aime ma Planète obtains Zewo certification! The association J'aime ma Planète is proud to join the Zewo certified organisations. This certification recognises the [...]

The Eco-Schools programme mentioned on RFJ radio and in the Quotidien Jurassien!

The Eco-Schools programme mentioned on RFJ radio and in the Quotidien Jurassien! On Friday 25th and Saturday 26th November, the Glovelier primary school [...]

Action Days, green days for companies

Action Days, green days for companies Wie steht es um die biologische Vielfalt? Was ist eine Ökosystemleistung? Was können wir im Alltag für [...]

Eco-Schools invited to the cantonal network of Schulnetz21 in Basel-Stadt

Eco-Schools invited to the cantonal network of Schulnetz21 in Basel-Stadt Our Eco-Schools Project Manager for German-speaking Switzerland presented the Eco-Schools programme at the [...]

Douhgnut theory at the HEP-Vaud

Douhgnut theory at the HEP-Vaud At the beginning of November, we presented the Young Reporters for the Environment programme at the HEP-Vaud, as [...]

Eco-Schools training for the year 2022-2023

Eco-Schools training for the year 2022-2023 This Monday 31 October, the last training of Eco-Schools coordinators ended in Zürich. Since September, the J'aime [...]

International Competition 2022 – Swiss article receives honourable mention!

International Competition 2022 – Swiss article receives honourable mention! After deliberation, the international jury has chosen the winners of the international competition and [...]

Action Days

Action Days Here are some pictures of our two Action Days in June 11 HSBC employees went to the Bois de Jussy to [...]

The Young Reporters for the Environment Journal is here!

The Young Reporters for the Environment Journal is here! The Young Reporters for the Environment Journal is here! Discover the reports of the [...]

Exhibition on sustainable food at the OFF des Assises de la transition énergétique

Exhibition on sustainable food at the OFF des Assises de la transition énergétique "Food, a challenge for the future of the planet"   [...]

Results of the Young Reporters for the Environment Competition

Results of the YRE Competition! Following the deliberation of our Jury, we are finally honoured to announce the winners of the national competition [...]

Eco-Schools à la Conférence de la BNE Fabrik

Eco-Schools à la Conférence de la BNE Fabrik Comment mettons-nous l'éducation au développement durable en pratique pour permettre de comprendre les défis actuels [...]

Meet our jury for the 2022 national Young Reporters for the Environment competition

Young Reporters for the Environment The selection of the journalistic reports begins!   The journalistic reports are now in the hands of our [...]

Outing to the Maison de la Rivière

A short video recap of our last two sunny outings At the beginning of April, the association J'aime ma Planète went with two [...]

Small overview of Young Reporters for the Environment

Young Reporters for the Environment - National competition 2022 - 2nd edition Small overview of the 2021-2022 edition:   - 444 students from [...]

Participation in the General Education Forum organised by the HEP-BEJUNE

Participation in the General Education Forum organised by the HEP-BEJUNE   At the beginning of March, the association J'aime ma Planète had the [...]

The young reporters tell us more about their investigation!

After being named awardee of the 2020-21 national competition, Adrian, student at Ecolint - Campus de la Châtaigneraie, came second in the international [...]

Outing to the Maison de la Rivière!

In February, for the first time this school year, the association J'aime ma Planète accompanied forty 5P students to the Maison de la [...]

The young reporters tell us more about their investigation!

The young reporters tell us more about their investigation!   In journalistic research, the interview is a central method for gathering information. This [...]

The young reporters tell us more about their investigation!

The young reporters tell us more about their investigation!     At the beginning of this year, the young reporters are going to [...]

Eco-schools training for newcomers

Eco-schools training for newcomers     At the beginning of 2022, 12 new schools have joined the Eco-Schools family, bringing the number of [...]

Students take out their magnifying glasses to investigate sustainable development!

Students take out their magnifying glasses to investigate sustainable development!     Participatory grocery stores, renewable energies, recycling of medicines in pharmacies and [...]

Our Eco-schools programme was featured in Nord Vaudois newspaper La Région

Our Eco-schools programme was featured in Nord Vaudois newspaper La Région "When my sister started Eco-Schools, I didn't really know what it was. [...]

Young Reporters for the Environment – Tribune Rives-Lac talks about us

This is custom heading element Many thanks to Tribune Rives-Lac for their article on the young awardee of the 2021 Young Reporters for [...]

Exhibitions in Versoix and Anières

Exhibitions in Versoix and Anières – 26.10.2021 J'aime ma Planète has created two exhibitions at the beginning of the 2021 school year: one [...]

Eco-Schools trainings

Eco-Schools trainings – 14.10.2021   No less than 21 schools took part in the various Eco-Schools trainings offered by our association at the [...]

Nature et Découvertes Lausanne

J'aime ma Planète booth at the Nature et Découvertes store in Lausanne   Last Saturday, J'aime ma Planète ran a booth at the [...]