Young Reporters for the Environment - National competition 2022 - 2nd edition

Small overview of the 2021-2022 edition:


444 students from 26 classes in French-speaking Switzerland took up the challenge to become young reporters!

105 reports have arrived at J’aime ma Planète and will be evaluated by our Jury [ ⏰ meet the members of our Jury just after the Easter holidays, on Wednesday 27 April ] !

– The pollution of Lake Geneva, renewable energies, Fast Fashion and food waste have been of great interest to our young reporters!

But that’s not all: this year, some reporters wanted to highlight other issues such as animal welfare, climate change anxiety or gender equality!


A big thank you to the 13 schools that took up the challenge:  Le Collège du Léman, Le Collège Saint-Louis, Le Cycle d’Orientention des Colombières, l’Ecole de Commerce Nicolas Bouvier, Ecole Moser, Ecole Internationale de Genève – La Châtaigneraie, CEFF Santé-Social, CIFOM-ESTER-CPNE, La classe spéciale de Stage Pratique à Sion, CoViCou, l’EPS Vevey, le Cycle d’Orientation des Grandes-Communes et Haut-Lac Ecole Internationale Bilingue


And finally a huge congratulations to all the young reporters for their commitment and the quality of their report!

Meet our national Laureates who will continue the international adventure on Tuesday 10 May, after the Jury’s deliberation.

For more information, find us here:

JRE session 21-22