Discover our small team of enthusiasts! If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at or via our contact form.

Urban Furlan

Strategy & Development Director
FEE Coordinator
Eco-Schools Switzerland Programme Manager

Catherine de Noyelle

General Director

Nicolas Wattin

Administrative and Finance Manager

Lorris Cavagliotti

Educational Activities Project Manager
Eco-Schools Coordinator Geneva

Natalie Lemonis

Head of Office French-speaking Switzerland
Eco-Schools Coordinator French-speaking Switzerland
Communication Manager

Annabelle Jaggi

Head of Office German-speaking Switzerland
Eco-Schools Coordinator German-speaking Switzerland

Quentin Arnoux

Program Manager Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE)
Environmental Education Project Manager

Coralie Wuilbeaux

Program Manager Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE)
Project Manager Animations

Flore Béran

Environmental Education Officer

Sigolène Roch

 Education for Sustainable Development Officer

Michael Mueller

Education for Sustainable Development Officer
German-speaking Switzerland

Cecilia Damiano

Education for Sustainable Development Officer

Jaina Duperrex

Environmental Education and Project Management Intern

Valeria Versari

Communication and Project Management Intern

Camille Darbo

Environmental Education and Project Management Intern

Jenni Cadola

Environmental Education Officer

Laura Robert

Environmental Education Officer



Katell Drouet-Bassou


Emmanuel Flammand

Emmanuel Flamand


Valentine Python

Valentine Python


Kyra Dupont Troubetzkoy

Kyra Dupont Troubetzkoy

Secretary general

Carmen Sanguin

Carmen Sangin
