Students take out their magnifying glasses to investigate sustainable development!



Participatory grocery stores, renewable energies, recycling of medicines in pharmacies and reuse of human hair; J’aime ma Planète is impressed by the richness of the themes addressed by students participating in the Young Reporters for the Environment programme!

At the beginning of this year, all classes have started the second step of the programme, which consists of real journalistic work: finding out about a sustainable development issue, identifying and interviewing experts, exploring possible solutions and evaluating their effectiveness. This investigative work calls on a variety of tools, such as bibliographical study, cross-referencing of information sources and field research.

We thank all those who take part in the Young Reporters for the Environment adventure!

For more information on the Young Reporters for the Environment programme, please visit:


Programme Jeunes Reporters pour l'Environnement développée en Suisse par l'association J'aime ma Planète